Front End Web Developer

Mathew originally studied Neurobiology at Macalester College and did science research for a few years. He then did graduate study at Icahn School of Medicine in NY before he started to get jealous of all of his friends working in tech careers and tried teaching himself software engineering.

Now Mathew works as a front end web developer, with experience building sites for the Calsurv Gateway at UC-Davis, nonprofits, and startups. He is here for all of your data visualization needs.

My current tech stack

  • React.js
  • D3.js
  • Styled Components
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL

Recent apps

Always making new things, but here's a few recent projects.

Calsurv Maps preview

Calsurv Visualizations

Mapping and visualization website for the California Surveillance Gateway website

drag n Drop preview

Drag n Drop Gifs

Search the GIPHY library, and drag appropriate gifs to describe your day!

React Form preview

React Form

Onboarding form made with React Router to sign up new businsses for an online website

Game of Life preview

Conway's Game of Life

The game of life using React.js components as cells over generations

Best of times bot preview

Best of NYTimes Twitter Bot

Node.js bot posts the most viewed article from the previous day

OKP site

Orphan Kitten Project website

Kitten rescue site uses Facebook Graph API to populate the home page with recent activity

Tic Tac Toe preview

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe game with adjustable difficulty and scoreboard.

Wikipedia viewer preview

Wikipedia Viewer

Use the Wikipedia API to do a search through wiki articles and see previews.

Contact Me

If you know of a challenging project that we can tackle together, let me know below